Hafez Poem – Nastaliq


This is a piece I produced back in 2018. It is written on a posterboard and been framed recently. Only the first verse is performed in this piece.

This is the original piece in Farsi:

گفتم که لبت، گفت لبم آب حیات

گفتم دهنت، گفت زهی حب نبات

گفتم سخن تو، گفت حافظ گفتا

شادیِ همه لطیفه گویان صلوات

The closest meaning is as follows:

I said, your lips said, your lips we revive;
I said, your mouth said, sweetness we derive;
I said your words, he said, Hafiz said;
May all sweet lips be joyous and alive.



Additional information

Weight 1 kg
Dimensions 50 × 40 × 4 cm
Ink on Poster board

Frame is fragile. Ink is not waterproof, please make sure to keep in dry/low humid condition

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